Thursday, April 19, 2012

Beautiful day

The weather has finally brightened up and we went out to play in the sun. The kids were so happy to be outside that they even let me take a picture of them but in all fairness I let Eric take a picture of me and Eden.
 My new favorite picture of Eden!

 Now that is the smile  that I love on Eric it has a sort of mischievousness about it.

 You know us we just have to have the sunglasses.

 This was Eden's idea of wearing her sunglasses.

 Eric's relatively good shot of Mommy and Eden.
not to bad may be we have a budding photographer in the family.

I look scary in this pic, but I thought my husband would get a good kick out of it as well as my parents.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Nice weather rocks! let hope it stays nice for a while :)

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