Thursday, January 31, 2013

Josh Turned Seven!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that my baby turned seven. it feels like just yesterday I was holding my very tiny 6lb baby and falling in love with every second we had. He was an only child for three and half years. Then he became the best big brother to his brother and sister.

For Josh's Birthday we surprised him with me being off work and home to greet him when he came home from school. Then we all piled in the van and drove over to the discovery museum. Then we went to Chili's and had the dinner of Josh's choice. It was a great day and we are so grateful that he is on our lives. We love him so much and are very grateful for his loving spirit.
Happy Birthday Josh we love you soooooooo much!

 The first day we brought Josh home from the hospital.
he weighed 6lbs 5oz and was 19in long

Josh at six months. He was a super happy and very cute baby.

This is one of my very favorites. Josh at two years old. He always loved the camera. I think it is one of his great charms, every time he sees a camera he stops to smile and pose.

My big strong Seven year old boy enjoying his birthday dinner at chilli's

At the museum we wanted to get some pictures with the birthday boy.

Josh and Mommy

Of course we can't forget that Eric was having just as much fun playing in the river at the museums miniature river.

Love my pretty little princess, she had fun drawing on the chalk board.

oh boy last year before he turns 8.

Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me with this special little boy who loves with all his heart and helps with all his strength.
I'm truly blessed

Monday, January 21, 2013

Bean bags

 Josh's cool puzzle that he put together!

The beanbags are well used at our house!

Miss Eden so pretty in pink

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New year

With the new year comes some adjustments in church. Josh moved up into a new class in Primary and Eric is now a Sunbeam in the primary which is the youngest age group in the primary program and Eden moved into Nursery. All are soooooo excited! It's so exciting for me to watch them. Here's to a new year

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning was so much fun everyone was up at 7:00am and so excited. The funny thing was that it ended up taking us five hours to open all the gifts. With a half hour breakfast break in the middle. but it was so much fun seeing everyone's face while they opened gifts. I hoped everyone's Christmas was as fun and special as ours was.
 Eden loving on her baby doll that Santa brought for her while she was asleep.

 Eric and his pirate ship that Santa brought for him.

 Josh and his much desired blades.

 Opening the Christmas gifts

 Doesn't Eden look so cute 
Eden put on one of the bows that had adorned a gift. I could just love on her. 
She is so cute!!!!
 I just adore her.
I tried to capture the moment when they first came in and saw what Santa had brought them. 

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was full of family traditions and Santa Clause visiting us. It started out with a surprise visit from Santa bring int the kids their Christmas PJ's, then our family reading of Christ's birth and singing Christmas carols. Then it was off to bed for the little ones while the adults stayed up playing games and talking.
 Santa surprised the kids by coming while they were awake and visiting them. You can't see Eden's face but when Santa walked through the door she lit up like a Christmas tree and was just as happy as her brothers.,

 Josh and Eric quickly through their arms around Santa and told him how much they loved him. I wish everyone could love as easily.

 This may be one of the last years that Josh will believe so whole heartily  in Santa, but he is sooooo happy. I really believe it is important that children believe in Christ for all that he has done for us and those fictional figures who bring hope love and peace to all. It's not the person but the lessons that go along with his character.

 Eric having his turn on Santa's knee.

 Eden was more interested in the bear he brought than sitting on his knee but she was more than happy to take her turn. No scared Santa picks for any of my kids. They have always loved sitting on this Santa's knee.
 Eric, Josh and Dilyn cuddled up with Santa

 Wait a second that boy is to big to sit on Santa's knee.
Parker sitting on Santa's knee or rather trying not to fall off of it.

 Hey Santa is just a little to happy that Grandma is sitting on his lap. I'm going to tell Grandpa! Hee Hee

 Eric posing in front of the tree

 Eric and Dilyn our super cute three year olds.

Eric, Eden, Dilyn and Josh all ready for Christmas in their new Christmas PJ's.
I think they are a pretty cute bunch

I took a video of Eric and Josh doing their version of Jingle bells.

Josh giving his solo for the family. He had practiced this for a couple of weeks before his performance. 

Wacky Tacky

For Christmas this year we went to Folsom to be with the family, let me tell you that when we all get together it is sooooooo much fun! On Christmas eve day we took the kids to Wacky Tacky in Roseville. I so wish we had something like that here. It is literally a play place that is padded from top to bottom. With slides and ball pits, tunnels and climbing things. It was soooo much fun for the adults to as we had to follow miss Eden every where. I felt Like I was five again.
 Josh up above the ball pit shooting his victims with soft foam balls.

 Eric after he had gone down the tunnel slide for the millionth time

 Eden in the ball pit as you can see from her expression she loved every minute.

 Eden playing in the jungle.

I spent most of the time climbing to the top of this slide and going down it with Eden. Every time we would get down to the bottom she would clap her hands and say, again again. 

Sunday Before Christmas

The Sunday before Christmas with the kids all dressed up in their fancy clothes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers