Thursday, September 30, 2010


This is the funny thing about Eric. He actually can walk but does he? No, When Josh was this age he was running around the house, now I have to say Eric is one fast little boy on his knees. I finally got a video of my funny boy pushing the little umbrella stroller around the patio. I tried to get a video of him pushing a little toy lawn mower around but by then he was tired. He can walk he just seems to think he needs to hold onto something. He stands up by himself all the time and even takes a step or two then drops to his knees and takes off. Eric's personality is coming to life with each new day. He is no longer the cautious baby he use to be he is a little more aggressive than Josh was and he is such a goof ball. He loves to see what makes people laugh I guess that runs in the family. Josh loves to do that too. Eric loves loves loves to tease his older brother this can get dangerous at times but Eric is quickly catching up to Josh in weight. That might have something to do with all of a sudden Josh loves to eat. I think it caught on to him that his baby brother is going to out weigh him soon if he does not start eating more. Jason gave me a industrial juicer for my birthday. Now Josh is getting lots of fruits and veggies and is doing a better job of eating meat. He did gain a pound and now weighs 32 pounds which for him is amazing since he has weighed 31 pounds for the last 18 months. Eric on the other hand now weighs 24 pounds. I hope every one is gearing up for this weekend I know I'm, Enjoy

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday attire

I know I take to many pictures of my boys but yesterday dang it they were to die for. I know because I had lots of people at church tell me. I had them all dressed up so cute. Jason tells me frequently that I need a little girl so that my boys don't turn out to be fashion freaks. We had a much better Sunday. Jason started his new calling which means I have to take Eric during the second hour given Jason now teaches that hour then for the third hour Eric goes with Daddy so I can teach. This is a way better schedule than we use to have. Jason and I use to teach at the same time and we would have to cart Eric off on someone else. Now at least he can stay with his parents. Oh how I can't wait till after December 22 then Eric can happily play in nursery.

All ready for church

 Eric in his new to him outfit

Then this picture was taken later one of the sisters in our ward gave Josh stickers and I told him he could not stick them to my furniture so he stuck them to his Daddy's head instead Good thinking Josh.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Camping trip

Well last night we went camping at the Conklin campgrounds which are north of us, it's one of the few camp grounds that are free. It was suppose to be a ward camping trip but like most of our ward activities these days nobody showed except us and another family, it was fun and gave us a chance to spend more time as a family. Then we drove up to the lookout point and were able to really get a look at some of the Lord's creation. The pictures I took just don't do the valley justice but it was a perfect day to be together as a family. Now my husband is gearing up to watch the UNR vs. BYU game. At least my boys are clean and happy after a fun night and day out.
 Eric and Josh snuggled down for the night.
Our car was the warmest place.

Morning time snuggles

Josh in the tent finding the neat little pocket holes.

Don't mind the no makeup look.

kings of the mountain

And while we were busy looking at this Eric was doing this...

This was the tower from a hill further up. We were so happy to find out that our little car was tough enough to get up to this point so we could see all the pretty sights.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eric's new favorite thing to do

Eric has a new hobby, it's standing up all by himself and quickly sitting back down before his brother can get to him. I'm yet to get a good picture of my big boy standing all the way up but this shows just how close my big baby is to walking. He can walk and has when he forgets that he is doing it but now I think he is getting the courage to take those steps. Josh was nice and didn't push him down once yesterday so Eric is exceptionally happy. My boys just love to play together and it's been fun to watch them grow together.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Josh's first Primary program

Josh had his first Primary program at church yesterday, unfortunately I was not feeling well so I missed most of it but I did pull myself together in time to see Josh. I pray that in the years to come I can be a better Mom to my children and not miss their important mile stones because of health issues. Very few can even contemplate the emotional pain that it cost me yesterday to miss my son's program. I did get some pictures of Josh once we got home so that I can at least document it.
On a good note Jason was released from Elders Quorum President and is now the ward mission leader so our family will have a different set of challenges to work through.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Buddy Walk

As  a family we went down to the annual buddy walk at the Sparks Marina. Two years ago some friends of ours delivered a little girl with down syndrome. She is just now starting to learn to walk on her own and has endured open heart surgery already in her short time. We were part of Team Hailey. Now as a sometimes very preoccupied mom I totally forgot the camera which made me very sad since there was a fire truck and and the Reno SWAT truck at the event and I missed out on taking pictures of the boys enjoying what boys love most Big trucks. oh well when we got home the boys were still wearing their super hero stuff and I was able to get a picture of them at home. The super hero stuff was part of team Hailey's theme. I loved the theme it was Hailey's hero's. She is such an angle and we just love her family.

Friday, September 17, 2010


So my wonderful parents paid for my new glasses which means alot to me not to have to wear broken ones anymore so what do you think of the new accessories? And just a shout out to Kirsten she's the one who keeps making my hair look better so if you Reno ladies want your hair done right go to
Kirsten Hanson.


The boys have been having so much fun lately Eric has gotten very involved in wrestling with his big brother who I keep telling that if he does not eat his veggies his baby brother will be bigger. Anyways I woke up this morning and thought what does my mornings look like? Not me that would be scary I mean my boys. I also was finally able to put a video of my boys online it was fun just don't pay attention to Jason at the  end he had a scab that broke open. Hope everyone else's mornings are as cute as mine hee hee.

These were from last night after Eric devoured a chocolate cup cake.

These were from this mornings breakfast

sorry about the open dish washer in the background.

My boys being boys

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fun Weekend

My parents came and visited us for the labor day weekend and we had soooooooo much fun. First we waited for them to get here on Friday because they took to scenic rout which added like four more hours to their drive don't ask me why they like taking more time to drive that wasn't so much fun but then on Saturday they watched the boys for us so we could go to the temple. Then we went to the Rib Cook off. It was so yummy then my parents decided that Eric's car seat was not good enough. Gotta love parents. So they bought him a new one and it matches his big brother's this messes Jason up all the time now but I love the matching seats in the back of my car. Then we hung out at the house and had ice cream and just relaxed. Then on Sunday we went to church and it was the first Sunday that Josh was able to practice for the primary program. It was really cute to watch Josh speak into the microphone with only his head peeping over the podium. Then after Church we all headed over to our friends house for dinner. Kirsten is such an amazing cook, Gotta love her. Then Monday came and we just visited in the morning before they had to leave on another ten hour scenic route back home. I'm just so grateful to have parents who are more than happy to come visit us and spend quality time with us and the kids. Mostly it's the kids they love to see. I unfortunately did not get a single picture of my parents as they love to hide when ever a camera comes out but I did get some fun pictures of the boys showing off for us.
My kitchen and living room create a circle so Josh decided to push Eric around on a toy air plane. they had so much fun and yes it seems as though Eric never has all his clothes on at the same time. But I promise I do dress him completely at the beginning of the day.

 On Monday we went to the Park and played till it got to hot then we went home and turned on the sprinklers. Jason didn't want to get the grass wet because he was going to mow it later that evening so the boys played on the patio. I think this was even better because they were able to get on their bikes and just go.
Hope you had a fun weekend ; )

Daisypath Anniversary tickers