Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I went to the dentist today and had my filling removed and refilled and capped because a fifteen year old filling cracked. I noticed yesterday that my dentist looked a little young but you never know how old men are these days and I always pictured dentists as older men because I have only ever had older dentists. So today as I was sitting in the dentist's chair not really wanting to begin but knowing I had to, my dentist asked me how old I was. I responded with I'm 27 because it's close enough and my mom keeps reminding me that my birthday is just a month away. He then looked at me and said I'm two years older. My response was, with my eyes revealing my shock I blurted out your the same age as my husband.The dentist then turned to his assistant and made the comment about a song that came out when we were high school age. Apparently she was still in elementary school at the time.  I guess it never occurred to me that Jason and I are the same age as many young professionals. You know your getting older but sometimes it hits you harder than other times.
So now I'm sitting here trying to drink my orange juice and struggling because half my mouth is still numb as is my brain. Lesson to the young take good care of your teeth because fixing them hurts.

Monday, August 29, 2011


She is so much fun to take pictures of. During this photo session she was smiling and getting excited every time the flash went off.

Six weeks old

dance instructor

I caught a video of my boys dancing the other day. So cute..... ;) I'm really grateful that my boys love each other.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

So excited!

Jason and I have been working really hard to start the process of helping me to loose my baby fat. This morning after our work out we started looking around at different gyms as I need a little more help this time to loose it in the time frame I have. We found one that is perfect for us in both the finance area and what the gym has to offer us. Jason and I will both be starting to work out five days a week with a trainer on two of those days. Happy wait loss time!

Friday, August 26, 2011

waiting room

Well yesterday was the very last time I will ever go back to the pregnancy center. The good news was that it was the very first time I wasn't questioned on my choice to not have my tubes tied. I guess they realized that I wasn't going to change my mind. I was however asked a question that made me want to get out and exercise even harder than I already was. Let me tell you the story about me Eden and the lady in the waiting room at the pregnancy center. There I was waiting to see the Dr for the last time at that location and nursing Eden properly covered I might add, when a cute little two year old girl walks over. Being a mom of a two year old myself I didn't mind her curiosity but I did ask her where her mommy was with no response. After the third time of her trying to remove my nursing cover I asked her to please go find her mommy because she must be lost this was after the girl had sat with me for ten minutes. Finally her mother realized her little girl was missing and found her. She then was busy telling her little girl about how cute the baby was. She then turned to me and said, how far along are you in your new pregnancy? I didn't realize I still looked that pregnant I guess I better work out even more. I did however go to the marina and made Josh sit in the double stroller with Eric while I carried Eden in the snuggle carrier and pushed the stroller around the marina with Jason telling me faster honey you can get over this hill. I might add that the kids all added up to seventy pounds. We'll be doing the same work out tomorrow my wonderful husband is now getting more aware of his personal need to exercise too. These nasty twenty pounds I have left will be gone before I know it
 The things people say sometimes make you want to shake your head.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

big girl

Eden has out grown her newborn diapers and is about out of newborn clothes. She's starting to look more like Eric in the chubby department. I know that lots of babies start out at 8lbs but for a girl who started out at 5lbs a month ago I think she is doing pretty well.
 Sleepy baby

This outfit didn't fit two weeks ago now it barly fits. Keep growing my little princess.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tahoe trip #2

My parents were kind enough to rent a cabin at Tahoe for the weekend for us and it was the best way to camp at lake Tahoe. We had a clean kitchen to cook in and clean beds to sleep in and a fully equipped bathroom to use. We loved the experience! Friday night was mostly filled up with getting ourselves acquainted with the cabin but Saturday morning we were up making blueberry pancakes and preparing for a hike. I must say the hike was not the most beautiful nor the best experience as Jason decided we were heading up the mountain off trail, so we did a lot of bush whacking but when we got to the top, the mountains around us were a sight to see. When we got back everyone packed up and headed to the beach. That was a very fun experience with the boys, Eden mostly just wanted to nurse and be held so Jason did most of the playing. After the Lake we made dinner and the boys went on a small hike with Jason then of course we made the S'mores and called it a night. Everyone went to bed early and Sunday morning we were up cleaning the cabin and packing up. Then we were off to Church. We attended a ward in Tahoe and when we arrived found out that they didn't have a organist so even though Jason was on vacation he was still happy to play the organ for this wonderful ward who during the summer have more guests than ward members and are some of the warmest members of the church we've met. Needles to say this was a memorable weekend and I would love to make this a yearly experience with my parents and my family.
 a couple of years ago there was a fire that scarred the mountain side. This was our view from the top of the mountain.

 Eden made the hike with Jason and myself.

 Eric and Josh stayed back and played at the cabin while we hiked the mountain.

 Josh the water boy. He had no fear jumping in and playing.

 Eric decided land was more to his taste so he sat in the rubber ducky on the beach.

 Back at the cabin with Eric and Papa sitting on the porch.

 At the big rock at the end of the boys hiking trip.

 Time for S'mores

Everyone enjoyed the yummy marshmallows.
Hope to go back next year.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big boy

Josh is going to be starting Kindergarten in a few weeks and we finally sat down and had a talk with him about how boys who go to kindergarten don't have their mommy's dressing them. So Now Josh dresses himself and even though he comes up with some interesting combinations he is doing it all by himself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Things Learned

I had a epiphany this morning and was enlightened by just a small thought. As parents we have these moments often when our children have been trying to tell us something but we weren't listening or were so distracted that we missed what we were suppose to learn. I firmly believe that we were sent to this earth to learn and being parents is a life long class that we either receive an A or we completely bomb the lesson and receive an F and everything in between.
Since Eden was born my two year old has really struggled with no longer being the baby of the family but the dreaded middle child who to often is forgotten in the shuffle of a busy family. I was struggling with his constant tantrums, refusing to take naps and acts of aggression towards me. I spoke to others trying to get a grasp on the situation and was told all was normal and he would out grow this stage. I tried to just ignore the bad behavior. It wasn't till I stumbled upon another mothers blog that I had received my answer as to what to do about Eric. In the mother's blog she spoke of similar struggles with her little one and spoke with a family member who worked as a child psychiatrist and pediatrician. He told her that all the acting out was caused by the stress over a new baby in the family. Her son was acting out because he needed the much needed attention that his mother out of pure exhaustion was not able to give. Her response was, well Daddy can give him all his attention when he comes home from work. Her family member shook his head and told her that no amount of attention from Daddy will replace the needed attention from Mommy. Mommy is the sole nurturer of the family and even though she was tired and dealing with a new baby she still needed to fulfill her responsibility as a nurturer to her son.
That really hit me, it made me realize that I'm a 24-7 , 365 days out the year Mom. I have a responsibility to three amazing and patient children. Even though I struggle with other things I still need to remember my children and their needs before the acting out occurs. I'm not a perfect mother but I'm learning everyday. So instead of just putting my children in front of the TV I turned the monster off and we played together. The afternoon went much smoother and we had no acting out from the two year old and only one tantrum from the five year old but that has to do with his up coming excitement over kindergarten and new baby in the family. I'm sure he'll have some more moments till he has a constant schedule.
When life is overwhelming and we have trials all around remember who's important, our children.

The most important thing I will ever do on this earth wont be in a office climbing the corporate ladder, but teaching my very own children in my home.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Grandma's birthday

Paula's birthday was today and we were able to celebrate it yesterday with the family. We look forward to another year.

and we found our first red tomato of the year today in our garden :)


it made me laugh thought you might like to laugh too. Don't mind Josh he's not the part that was funny it's Eric giving big kisses. This is the view of Eric that I get every morning.

One month

 Josh at one month

 Eric at one month

Eden one month

It's fun to go back and look at my children's baby pictures, this time I noticed that Josh and Eden look so much alike that if you were just looking at their faces you might mistake the two. Eden has a chubbier face though.
This was me at one month. There seems to be a bit of a resemblance.

Four weeks old

Eden is about two days away from being officially one month old so I figured close enough, Jason and I celebrated our seventh anniversary yesterday and as a surprise Jason gave me a new camera. My old one was being held together by duck tape and not holding up very well. So to give my new camera a good first use I dressed my pretty little girl up and took some one month pictures of her. I still can't believe that she is one month old already and doing very well. When she was delivered she came to us a little over three weeks early and thrived from the day she was born. She weighed 5lbs 8oz and 18 inch long. My smallest baby up to this point. One month later she is 7lbs and 21inches long. She is a happy baby and so far not much of a drama baby. I have to say Josh was my most dramatic baby and that was not very dramatic so Jason and I are grateful for these sweet calm babies that have come to us. she loves her soothy and Jason and I are finding we can't go anywhere with out it and she loves to nurse and be with her mommy. That may change when I'm no longer the only one feeding her. We love her very much and are so grateful to have her in our family. We look forward to all her changes and developments in the future.

This picture is for my mother who hates head bands on baby girls.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

fashionable two year old

I love Eric's age because he doesn't know that boys and girls are not suppose to wear each others clothes and he is still very innocent. It's fun to see Eric run out in my shoes and giggle and tell me that he stole my shoes. Thats the fun of having children now I really will be in trouble when Eden is two or, sixteen because then my clothes, makeup, jewelry  and shoes will not be safe.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

She makes me smile

Josh and Eric were busy watching Mickey Mouse club house this morning and during the show they have whats called the Hot Dog Dance. Both boys love to jump up and Dance with all the characters. That makes me smile every day and this beautiful little girl who is such a good baby. I've been blessed with three good kids who's spirits warm my heart. Today was suppose to be my due date but I sure have enjoyed having Eden around for these last three weeks. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Brother, Sister love

Josh loves Eden, thats just a fact, he picks out her clothes, tells me what bows look pretty on her and generally just wants to be with her all the time. This morning he grabbed the camera and asked me to take some pictures of her. My mom told me that the third child doesn't get to have as many pictures taken because mommy is so busy with the other kids, but with Josh always grabbing the camera and asking me to take the pictures Eden ends up having her picture taken more than the boys do.
 queen of the house

I hope their relationship strengthens over the years.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tahoe Day trip

Every year for the last five years we have been going camping with Jason's family up at Meeks bay camp grounds in Tahoe. This year because of Eden's arrival we had decided that I was not going. While Jason and the boys were going camping with his family. But then we ended up being double booked and Jason had to go just for the day Saturday so Eden and I at the last minute decided that there was no reason we couldn't go too. It turned out to be a lot of fun and I'm so glad we went. We were still able to sleep in our beds but have all the fun activities with the family. The bad part was because of the extra moisture this year the boys and and I were covered in bug bites, I managed to protect Eden. The next Tahoe trip for our family is in two weeks with my parents but that will be in the comforts of a cabin so we better bring bug spray for when we are outside.
 everyone went hiking except for me , Eden and Paula.


 Eden just before we left.

 Jenna and Kyle took Josh and Eric on a boat ride.

 Josh being Josh

 Dilyn loved holding Eden

Eric on the beach

 This is pretty much how Eden was the whole time we were on the beach

Getting ready for another boat ride.

Trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

One week after Eden was born Jason's parents came and picked the boys up and took them back to CA with them for the week. The boys had a great time and we might have to make it a tradition to send them to the Grandparents house for a week every year. While they were there they played at the park and went boating. the only loss was Josh's hat when it blew off his head while on the boat, but other than that the boys had a great time and I was given two full weeks to heal from my C-section. We are so lucky to have two sets of Grandparents for our children that love them and take the time to do things with them.
 playing at the park

 Josh on Grandpa's boat

 Eric and uncle Kyle riding the tube.

 Uncle Kyle and Josh

 Grandpa and Josh

 Can you tell Josh is having a blast?

 Eric and Aunt Jenna

Daisypath Anniversary tickers