Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Camera Theives

The boys found my camera and decided to have their own picture time. When I found them they were busy laughing and taking turns with the camera. I guess I have some photographers in training. Some of the pictures are actually pretty good.

Josh's picture taking skills.

Josh took this one of himself then went to find Eric.

Eric's picture taking skills. Pretty impressive given he is only two.

I just couldn't resist getting the two together for a fun picture.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

water fun

We took the boys to the lazy 5 park and played in the water. Both boys loved it and Daddy loved it at the end when he decided to while fully clothed walk under the shower portion. We will definitely be going back. :)

 On the run

 playing in the sprinkler

 My cute family 

 Everyone knows that Josh is skinny but the fact is he has no body fat to keep him warm so in the end he had no choice but to stop and lay down on the concrete to warm up and stop shaking. He even tried to go back and play some more but he got cold really fast again.

My favorite picture from the fun.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our new air conditioner

My parents were sweet enough to help us get a new air conditioner a few weeks ago and tonight after sitting in our garage for a month it is now installed.
 old 1970"s model

 big gaping hole in the wall

 new conditioner. Now I just need to do some paint touch ups.

 just to cute not to post

Josh wanted his picture taken too.

Summer fun

Since school was released for the summer I have been trying to keep Josh busy and in the process have enjoyed lots of summer activities. The boys went to six flags, Eric's birthday party, Grandma and Grandpa making a surprise visit not even a week after they had already come which the boys loved. Going to the Reno Rodeo and we have more activities on the calendar that we would love to do. Last night was the Rodeo and it was soooooooo much fun. Some really neat things happened while we were there. The first thing was even though the temp was in the 90's there was a nice cool breeze, a much appreciated blessing for a 8 month pregnant women. As soon as we parked our car a golf cart drove by us and picked us up to take us to the doors so I wouldn't have to walk. Once there a business owner took mercy on my pregnancy and let us sit in his company box so I could have a soft chair that had a back on it. He also shared his sugar cookies with my boys even though we weren't part of his group. The boys were really good the whole time we were there and then as we were leaving we tried to find one of those golf carts so I wouldn't have to walk back to the car but they told us that there was only one working and it probably would be a long wait so Jason and I decided to just start walking but we hadn't even made it to the first row of cars when the golf cart drove by. So we were able to get a ride back to our car and not have to walk the half mile back. We then discovered the many exits from the parking lot that nobody was taking so we didn't have to wait in a line of cars to get out. The night was wonderful, we were able to spend it together as a family and enjoy it all. There are absolutely no pictures of me from the nights fun, but I took some good ones of my cow boys.

 My favorite cowboys at the Rodeo

 This picture shows you just how close to the arena we were.

 Josh was obsessed with the cowboys and horses and told us that he wants to ride a horse. I just hope someday I can make that dream come true.

This was the only picture I could get of Eric because he was so excited he couldn't hold still.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eric is two

When Josh was two he was quite the little handful. He would get into everything and about the only word he knew was No, and loved to bite anyone near him. So I thought that the terrible two's stage was hard and wasn't quite sure I wanted to do it again pregnant but life has a way of taking care of pushing you into rolls you may not want or think you can handle. The good news for me was Eric is the sweetest little two year old I know. He loves kisses, he never rips up books or draws in them. He follows his brother every where and is the first to run to the door arms open when daddy comes home. He can have his moments of drama but they are rare. He loves to talk and has a large vocabulary for his age and loves to chat with Josh, who is one of his favorite people in the whole wide world. I'm so grateful to have my little Eric he brings a smile to my face every time I look at his sweet chubby face. He doesn't  mind when I lean over to give him kisses in fact he insists upon it. Happy birthday Eric I 'm so grateful you are my son.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Eric's birthday party

Yesterday was Eric's birthday party. His birthday is this Wednesday but because all the family has to travel to come we decided to do it Saturday. It was a total success. My parents came into town Friday night and Jason's parents and sister and her family came in Saturday morning and then we also had some friends come over for the party. It turned out to be a lot of fun. Everything turned out better than I thought it could. It was perfect weather and good food with a party atmosphere. I don't think it could have been any better except for the fact that I'm a little more than a month away from having a baby but for my kid's happiness I'll do just about anything. This morning we switched gears and celebrated Daddy and my Dad for Father's day. So much fun in a weekend now we can relax a little and look forward to our baby girls arrival into our family and looking at the calendar she could be here before we know it.
the monkey cake to go along with our monkey theme. I think this would have to be the best cake I have ever done. Thanks to my friend for lending me the tools to make it possible.

 Mr. Birthday man

 Josh was as happy to party as everyone else. I think he had the most fun at the party. He spent the whole time wearing his party hat and smiling telling everyone that it was his brother's party.
 Party decorations that I made.

 The birthday banner that my friend Jamie made for Eric.

family sitting around the party table before the party started.

 Pictures of the monkey decorations that I made for Eric.

 Pin the tail on the monkey another monkey that I made for the party. I think making your decorations makes the party that much more special.

 Josh standing next to the monkey game.

Eric opening his gifts

Eric was so happy to receive a monkey puppet.

 Eric dug right into the cake as soon as we placed it in front of him.

 After the friends had left we blew up the pool that Eric recieved for his birthday and Josh Eric and Dilyn went swimming, but Dilyn couldn't hold still long enough for me to get a picture of him to so all the pool pics are of Josh and Eric.

Eric after everyone had gone playing with his new toys and wearing his PJ's that Nana and Papa gave him. this was the close of a very good day.

Friday, June 17, 2011

a paranoid mommy

I just want Eric to have a very special birthday this year call it an obsession. I've been working on party decorations for weeks and have been planning and prepping and doing all that I can. I know that he wont even remember any of the things I'm doing for him but with a baby due next month I just can't help but make sure that everything is as it should be for him. Todays big drama was the cake decorating. I finished it up and looked back at my work just to hear my husband lean over and say okay just put the pans lid on top of it. My heart just about fell out of my chest. The cake is taller than the pan I put it in and it would be ruined in seconds. Hours of work gone in seconds would be the consequence. So while I'm sure everyone present was thinking that this pregnant women is crazy and paranoid I was thinking how can I keep this cake safe till the party tomorrow. well I built the cake it's own house out of a box and tape and plastic wrap. It is now as safe as it can be and air tight. Sometimes I just need to think really hard and not give in to the easiest thing.
the box next to the cake became it's house.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

beach boys

Yesterday was a crazy day I'm so grateful that today is a quieter day. On the agenda for yesterday was a Dr.s appointment that took way to long. Mostly I just sat and waited the whole time. Then in the evening we went over to a friends office  to take a million maternity shots and that really took a long time but it was fun mostly I just sat and ate while they arranged things in my tummy that was fun. But while we did that the boys were at my friends house she is a generous person. She gave Eric all her son's clothes from last year which included five pairs of shorts and two pairs of pants and a pair of flip flops. He was really excited and for Josh she gave him a pair of his own sunglasses and two pairs of shorts. Both of my boys really love getting new to them clothes and were very excited to try them on this morning. Now to get the house clean for the big birthday event this weekend.

Now I just need to find Josh a pair of sandals  and he'll be ready for summer too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Black Sunday

I spoke in church yesterday about Eternal marriage and my blessings I have received from that. Jason came to Sacrament meeting sick but he was an amazing trooper who doesn't know how to say no when it comes to playing the piano so he played for a special number. We had to do some juggling for that with the kids but we managed. After sacrament meeting I took both boys to their respected classes and then I took a sick daddy home and came back to try and teach my primary class. I don't think I had been sitting with my primary class for two minutes when the Primary president came and got me to show me Eric's lovely black eye. He had fallen and hit a chair with his face. It was bleeding just a little, but mostly swollen. I got a cold compress and held it up to his face while he tried to tell me to go away because it was snack time and nothing comes between him and food. I'm just really glad we took pictures of the boys last Wednesday not this week. This week I get to be spoiled and have my maternity shots done. This should be interesting given I'm eight months pregnant but I'll not kick a gift horse in the mouth. This week I'm going to be pretty busy getting the house ready for Eric's second birthday party. It's going to be so much fun as long as everyone comes.

Just a sneak peek of last weeks pictures of the boys.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Father's son's camping trip

Last night Jason took off with Josh to go to the Fathers and sons camping trip. They had a really good time and made some fun memories. I'm happy to say they came back in one piece with an exception to Jason having developed a minor cold. Jason was really good this year and took lots of fun pictures.
 all the kids sitting around the camp fire.

 This is what happens when there are no women around to police the place.

 roasting yummy marshmallows.

 Lunch time.

 Shooting off rockets

 walking back from the rocket field.

Another successful fathers and sons camping trip.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers