Saturday, November 22, 2008

Strong Stomach

About a little over a week ago Jason and I found out that we are expecting our second baby. Since then I have discovered my mothers meaning of the most important thing to a unborn child is their mothers love and her strong stomach. I have really tried to live by the strong stomach part but that is hard when your stomach doesn't think it is strong. My dad came up with some pictures to help illustrate the First Trimester, Second Trimester and Third Trimester.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Finally Pregnant

After trying for a year Jason and I are finally Pregnant hopefully we stay that way for the next eight months. We tried to tell Josh about the happy moment but he did not understand. He now is walking around calling his tummy a baby, but as the months go by I know he will understand later. Thanks to all of you who have had us in your prayers.

Monday, November 10, 2008


For dinner on Monday night we had Ravioli Alfredo. Thinking Josh would eat them. Jason and I discovered that two year olds love to surprise us. Josh out of protest refused his dinner. This is not a new thing at our table but what was surprising was that he insisted that he eat raw lettuce. This is the proof of this story for those who know Josh.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Josh was busy playing at the dinner table when he decided to finally take some fun pictures. He enjoyed the picture time so much he laughed for a good ten minutes afterward. We sure are blessed to have one of the happiest little boys out there.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers