Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Work Update

Well I just thought I'd update everyone on how I'm doing working. We've had a lot of changes come to our family that trying to get use to change is very hard but I think we are managing. I've been working for the Reno Print Store for the last two months and have had really great days and really hard days. Trying to get back into working out side of the home is  a lot harder than I could have imagined. I still wanted to be home with my children but at the same time loved being with a bunch of fun and great adults. I've learned a great deal in the last two months and have grown in so many ways. I guess most of my stress that I was going through was brought on by the fact that Jason's job was soooooo unstable that looking back I'm shocked we didn't rip out all our hair and run screaming for the hills from the stress we were under. That for now has changed with a new job for Jason, we have more stability than we had just a week ago. So what have I learned? Well lets see, I've learned how to talk to all kinds of people. How to take rejection, how to file properly, how to use excel, how to overcome my fears, how to manage stress, how to take orders and still be independent, how to sense what people are feeling, how to get ready everyday on a very tight time frame and get three kids ready too. I've learned how to lean on the Lord a great deal more. and so many other things. Our family has been blessed in many ways to. We have an amazing babysitter who loves our kids and takes care of them as if they were her's. We have been able to save for our future needs. Jason found a job that will provide insurance in a few months, that's the biggest blessing, we've reconnected with old friends that we ran into while working, received a new calling at church serving the 8- 11 year old girls. And so many other blessings. I love the people I work with, they are special people that bring a smile to my face every day. I've been challenged in so many ways but have come out of it a better person. That's not to say we have no challenges, we are still being challenged daily but we are trying to look at it in a better mindset so that we don't go running for the hills. Not everything has gone the way I planned but nothing ever does and that's probably better. Now to just get through the next six weeks.

One of my favorite says is,
 "You can do anything when you put your heart into it."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Another Tooth

Josh lost another tooth today. He ran into another little boy and it knocked his front tooth out. The unfortunate part was that Josh never found the tooth but that's okay because we'll draw a map for the tooth fairy so she can find the tooth.
 two missing teeth

oh and this was just to cute not to share. My mother in law gave Eden this outfit. She looks soooooooo cute!

Date Night

Jason surprised me Thursday night with a spa package from the Peppermill for Friday. Our Date began with dropping the kids off at the babysitters and heading off. It was soooooooooo nice to have a night with just the two of us kinda like a dream. It was so nice just us getting massages and eating dinner with out little voices interrupting and being able to just kick back and relax. This may be something we need to do more often. Of course it was nice to see the kids the next morning but I would do this more often if I could.
 This is what our room looked like, we also had a steam room in the bathroom. I want to put a steam room  in my bathroom someday. They are so nice and if the kids ever got sick I could just put them in there and they would be all cleared out.

 We had dinner at Bisccottis.
Jason was brave enough to let me pick out his clothes and I put him in black because there were no kids to get him all dirty. :)
After dinner we headed over to the spa to have our 50 minute Swedish massage. and let me tell you I could get use to that kind of pampering. We then hung out in the spa and relaxed in the hot tub and hung out on the balcony in our super soft robes and just well..... Relaxed.

 The next morning we woke up to a continental breakfast and headed over to the gym and gave our selves a really great workout. We then headed over to the pool area to have fun swimming and relaxing in the hot tub. 

The pool area is made up of three pools with one of them having a waterfall and three hot tubs. 

Jason in the elevator on our way down to check out.

Then came the time we had to go home and face reality. You know back to the loving and welcoming arms of our children and the mountain of laundry I needed to do. 
I look forward to another visit with just my husband ;)
Daisypath Anniversary tickers