Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Eden's Pediatrician has decided that Eden has out grown her sensitivity to dairy and has asked that I slowly start to introduce dairy back into my diet so that her body can get use to it through the limited amount of breast milk I have left. So today was the first day that I truly partook of cheese in over 8 months. Let me tell you it felt like I was breaking the word of wisdom with every bite and that is not a good feeling. I guess I too need to slowly put dairy back in my diet for my mental sake. Granted there are still things I will not put back in my diet like covering everything in cheese I'm not a big fan of cheese anyways maybe next time I'll try something a little better than cheese, you know ice cream sounds more enjoyable. At least Eden didn't show any signs of discomfort from the food I ate today that is a vast improvement.

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