Friday, June 22, 2012

Eric is 3

Today my big boy turned 3! Now that seems crazy since it feels like only yesterday I was holding a beautiful hungry 5lb 14oz baby boy. Now he is 30lbs and still always hungry. Only now he can talk,  and count his numbers and he knows his letters and is a really big help with his baby sister. He has green eyes and loves his blanket which he carries around with him when he is tired, angry, sad or just because. He spends his days running around chasing after his brother and tells me that he wants to be just like Josh. I love having two boys in a row, they do everything together. Many days I'll find him in a dish towel he is using for a cape and wearing one of my mixing bowls as a hat and calling himself a magician. Or riding in a space craft that he and his brother constructed taking them to the moon. I believe that this next year will bring more adventures for my little man as he starts preschool and learns more and more about math, alphabet and science. His massive desire for knowledge can be filled as he goes to school and has different experiences.
Happy Birthday
 to my beautiful 
Little Man!

 5lbs 14 oz 19in

 1 year old

2 years old

3 years old
and still growing!

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