Saturday, November 5, 2011


I'll be the first to tell you that having a two year old makes you grateful for the sweat things and those sweat actions mostly overshadow the naughty things he does all the time. Eric is a pretty mellow two year old compared to the tornado of a two year Josh was, but he still has his moments of pure two year old behavior. I'm grateful for those moments when Eric cuddles up to me and says " I love you Mommy" or "Thank you". I''ll be the first to say that the terrible two's are a major challenge for me with the tantrums and coloring on couches and the not listening but it's just one year and Eric still does lots of good things all the time so I still love him very much. I love that he carries his blanket around every where we go including to and from school, he eats with it curled up behind him and he plays with it in the backyard, it is an inseparable friend. I am so grateful for my little Eric.

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