Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eden's four month check up

Eden saw the Dr. today for her four month check up. It was good timing since she and Eric are both sick with colds and were seen in one trip. Eden is doing very well the Dr. says she is now ready for fruits and veggies with her rice cereal and that she is growing just fine. I was concerned with her growth since she seems so small still but she is still growing.
Her head is 16 in and that puts her in the 10th percentile for head size.
Her weight is 11lbs 4oz and that puts her weight in the 10th percentile for her age group.
Her hight is 24 1/2in that puts her hight in the 50th percentile for her age group.
So she is a long skinny girl, her body type is much like her Daddy's.
She giggles when she smiles and her favorite person in the whole world is Josh.
 Eden and my father 
taken by my little brother.

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