Tuesday, March 13, 2012

FHE Lesson

Last night for our family home evening lesson Eric shared the story of David and Goliath. After the scriptural account the boys then acted the story out. They placed their shield of Courage on and their helmet of Righteousness on and killed the big Goliath with a green ball of play-dough, (that way Daddy wouldn't get hurt.) The boys really enjoyed the lesson as did their Daddy.                

I know the boys were listening because after they hit Goliath with the stone they ran over to him and pretended to cut his head off, just like it says in the scriptures.


Chance and Taylee said...

Cute idea! Can't for do do FHE with my kids!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go. Teaching my grandsons that killing bald headed ogres is okay. p.s. Goliath wore a helmet otherwise the glare would have blinded David.

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