Friday, March 25, 2011


Yesterday was my ultrasound, I had been waiting for that day since I found out I was expecting this baby. I'm always really nervous on every baby I'm expecting maybe because my brother and his wife had a baby that did not make it  and I have friends who have also had babies that didn't make it but the 20 week ultrasound helps to ease the tension a little bit and give me some hope. Our baby is doing really well and if my body could muster up some more strength I will continue to have no problems. I have to say this third pregnancy has been a little bit harder than my other two but just as exciting. Our baby is a Girl! we are so excited, when we came home to tell the boys Eric's response was , nothing and Josh his response was, I know Mommy I told you already. So our family will have a little girl to soften the masculinity around our home, a women's touch can make a big difference in a bunch of boys lives. Josh looks forward to holding his sister, Eric is still very much mommy's baby so I think it will catch up to him after the baby is here.

boys will be boys


Kerri Marie said...

So excited for you guys! Girls are so much fun! And I should know! Hee hee! She will be such a fun addition to your family and she will be so lucky to have two wonderful big brothers looking out for her! Congrats!

Lauren said...

Congrats!! So exciting!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers