Our house was attacked by a very nasty virus a couple weeks ago, it started with Josh as a harmless little cold that turned into an attacker over night. It spread to Eric and then to Jason and finally to me. The whole family has been sick for two weeks now and getting very tired of it. We were happy to go to Church yesterday because it has been a few weeks , which for us is an eternity. We love church more than we can describe. It is very hard for us to even miss for sickness. Anyway Josh has been on antibiotics for a few days and doing well.After church we looked at Eric to find he had pink eye. Now Eric is on antibiotics because he is not doing well but will be soon. I'm going to the Dr's tomorrow because I'm really not doing well and Jason is off and on on how he feels so we don't know if he will go to the Dr's. This sickness in our home is effecting our abilities to do our work and function. We're tired of sickness, were frustrated that we missed out on seeing family over the weekend. Jason's brother will be leaving on a mission in a few months and we wanted to see him as often as possible before he leaves and that is being thwarted by sickness. We're discouraged because in the six years that Jason and I have been a couple we have never been this sick for this long. We are a healthy family. Our boys rarely ever get sick and we get sick maybe once a year with mild colds and it lasts for a couple of days and after that we're on our way. I will say that the past couple of weeks have taught us a couple of valuable lessons. We have had our endurance tested,our faith tested and our patience pushed to the limit. I know that when my family is all better we will have more appreciation for our good health and modern medicine. Keep us in your prayers we really want to go see family this weekend so we can be with those that love us. It's really lonely here in NV with the closest family two hours away which when we're talking about going over the sierra mountains in the winter can turn into seven hours. I just pray that the Lord will be merciful and decide that our lesson was learned and lift this sickness off of us so we can be with family.
1 comment:
I'm so sorry. Being sick is never fun! I hope everyone gets better soon!
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