Monday, September 19, 2011

Two months

Eden is two months old now. She can roll over from her tummy to her back. She can hold on to things and her binky is a serious must have for her. She  was also diagnosed as having a lactose intolerant problem and has acid reflux. Very common things for premature babies but can be difficult if you are nursing your baby. Our solution was take me off of all dairy products and keep me on a lactose free diet. We never realized how many things use milk in their ingredients till now. Eden is doing much better since the diet change and that makes everyone happier. She is 21in. and weighs just a little over 8lbs. A nice weight gain from 5lbs to 8lbs in two months. We'll see the Dr. next week to get a more accurate weight.

 Eric giving her a flower

I've not had a baby that was this attached to a pacifier till now but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that for so long her little belly hurt all the time and this was one of the few things that actually comforted her.

A quick funny story the other day after picking Josh up from his primary activity we were driving home when out of no where Josh declares that he is going to marry Eden when he grows up. Daddy then says no she's my girl and Josh responds with no she's my girl your to big for her but I'm not and I'm going to marry her. I unfortunately had to pop his bubble by telling him that he can not marry his sister. He said yes I can and I will cause I love her.
all I can say for now is I'm grateful he loves his sister 
because we all love Eden.

1 comment:

karlamsmith said...

I LOVE her cute little dress! What a sweetheart!

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