Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Eden had her two month check up and this is where she is. She weighs 9lbs 1oz and is 22in. long. The Dr. placed her in the 10th percentile only because compared to other babies her age she is small, but he expects her to catch up quickly at the rate she is growing. She has a small head that was the Dr.'s words. She did end up getting her vaccinations today only because the Dr's office received a grant that made it more affordable and more convenient. Having to make another trip out is difficult when we only have one car. So my beautiful little princess is doing well and we hope to be able to introduce dairy back into my diet when she is about four months. Though no dairy has been the most successful diet I have ever been on, I've lost 10lbs because of it. Eden also has to learn to sleep in her crib as the Dr. told us no more sleeping in the reclining high chair at night, so tonight might be a long night.

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