Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's official

It's official Josh is fully potty trained both at night time and during the day. It's been a ruff almost year of trying to get him to use the potty. I was feeling like that mommy that was just doing it all wrong because I couldn't teach him how to do it. People would find out that Josh was still wearing diapers at four years of age and give me the run down of the best way to potty train. After months and months of failed attempts and trying everything and having it all fail I had just about had it with the whole business. That was till one day Josh came home from school and asked to use the potty. After that he was doing it all by himself every time. When we started potty training with Josh we promised that he could have a real bike if he went a week with no accidents. Well last night we fulfilled that promise. For those parents out there who have a child who is very stubborn and just does not want to potty train don't force just be patient and wait for them to tell you when they are ready. The best advice I was given was don't stress about it, no child goes to kindergarten in diapers.

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