Monday, October 10, 2011

birthday and apple hill

My birthday was on Friday and it was a fun day and then we left for Folsom to be with family. Saturday we went up to apple hill and enjoyed a fun afternoon and then we came back and had dairy free apple cake. It was sooooooo yummy. Eden was a good girl and the boys had a lot of fun with their cousin. Enjoy the pictures.
 Paula and Jason

 Eric, Josh and Eden ready for the season

 Eden and Mommy, this is just about how I carry her around all day every day around the house.

 We found real life super heroes and they let us take pictures of them and their truck.

 Eric driving the fire truck. He was a little scared to be up that high.

 Josh the fearless, he loved pretending to drive the fire truck.

 Eric in the pumpkin patch

Mommy and Eden
My pretty little girl all ready for Halloween.

 Happy birthday to me, and no I don't feel 27 I still feel like I'm 23.

 My big girl, She was so pleased with herself for sitting in the big kids chair.

 that face says I'm ready to eat, to bad she has to wait to eat table foods for several months.

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