Wednesday, December 21, 2011

kids say the darnedest things

The other day our new furnace was finally installed and yes our family is gratefully warm again. While the man worked on it he had a very distinct smoke oder on him. While working the entire day he had five different smoking breaks and nothing was said till Josh came home from school. Josh after watching the man take yet another smoking break seemed to think that enough was enough. When the man came back in to continue working my five year old walked over to him and said, " don't you know that Jesus said you shouldn't smoke? and that we must always do what Jesus says." I was part horrified and part pleased with Josh for standing up for his beliefs and sharing them with another. As for the man his response was "kids say the darnedest things." He had a smile on his face and finished up his work. I hope that one day he listens to the wisdom of a small child and makes a better choice for his body by quitting the bad habit.

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