As a family we went to be with the Kjar side for Easter. The boys had fun playing with their cousin and most important they loved being with Grandma and Grandpa. Both of my boys are so blessed to have two sets of grandparents that love them so much. Friday night we colored eggs and Saturday the boys did a massive easter egg hunt just between the three of them. After the Easter egg hunt Jenna brought out their chickens and the boys were able to play with them. Catching the chickens was the hard part. Then after a good hand washing we sat down and enjoyed a barbecue and enjoyed each others company. Sunday morning was spent trying to find the Easter baskets that the Easter bunny hid and then trying to get ready for church. As always church was wonderful, Josh came home telling us how much he prefers his ward cause the kids in our ward don't stare at him and tell him that Jesus is dead. I told him that Jesus did die but he is alive again and that Josh can talk to him. It was a perfect opening to a life lesson on faith and trust. Then we spent some more time with family and celebrating our Saviors resurrection. Josh unfortunately fell down his Grandpa's hill which is covered in rocks so his afternoon was not that great as he nursed his scratched chin, hip and pride. The boys both wrapped in their pj's and blankets were completely asleep when we got back and happily went to bed in their beds. Now the fun part of a trip is the unpacking which I have to do today but I'm so grateful to have extended family to share these wonderful holidays with.

the hunt is on, I think?
As soon as Eric found out there was candy in the eggs it was hard to keep him interested in egg hunting just like his Grandpa Kjar he has a serious thing for sweets, but Grandpa was really good about smelling the sweets and not eating them.
(Left to right) Eric, Grandma, Dilyn, Grandpa and Josh
Josh Easter 2011
Back to look for more eggs with Daddy's help
(left to right) Eric, Dilyn, Josh
Josh and the Easter chicken
Sunday in their cute Easter outfits
Kjar's Easter Sunday 2011
The angle is bad but this is how I look at six months pregnant and thats how I've looked on all three of my kids, big and round.
I hope everyone had a special Easter holiday with their loved ones.