Tuesday, January 26, 2010
From Baby to Boy
This being the week that Josh turns four I guess I've been super sentimental so please bear with me as I get my feelings out. I find that my blog is therapeutic when I'm feeling sad or happy or feeling pleased with my children I find it helps to get those feelings out on paper or in this case on computer. A few months ago in the Ensign there was an article about blogging and how we need to be careful what we wright because it is always going to be there. I have tried to do that and I hope that someday my boys will just laugh about how their Mommy loved them so much she wanted to share their accomplishments with friends and family. I've been reading back on my blog to when Josh started Primary I have teared up many times since then I'm not sure why I can't stop the emotional roller coaster. I think it is because Josh is no longer my baby he is a boy and a wonderful one at that he is kind to his friends and his brother. I think all parents go through this where they wake up one day and realize that their babies are no longer babies, because Josh has always been smaller than his peers and very cuddly I was able to keep him my baby a little longer. I think the first time that I had this melancholy about my child getting older was almost a year ago when I took him in for testing and discovered that he had a speech delay and I could no longer help him on my own. I wish I could say that I changed my ways right then and there about cherishing every moment. I read a friends blog that was about how she was starting to really miss the opportunity to have babies and how her children were getting older and she wanted to remind those of us who have just gotten started with our families to cherish every moment. I pray that I can cherish my family because they were a special gift to me and I am so grateful to friends and family who remind me on a daily basis to cherish and love them even when the annoy me. The dishes don't always need to be perfectly done the floors do not need to be scrubbed daily and beds do not always need to be made. Playing with our kids is far more important. I hope I have not gone off on a soap opera I just want each day to be special because every day that I have is one more day I can be with my family.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Seven Months
Eric is Seven Months old now. What is my baby doing these days lets see, He loves to sit and play with toys while I do other things. I have to say this is probably my most favorite phase just before they get mobile. He is TEETHING!!!!!! not fun I had to break down and do the Oragel thing because my baby is so miserable. He is so patient especially when his big brother tries to carry him like a rag doll which by the way doesn't happen because my baby is about ten pounds lighter than my four year old. He is wearing twelve month clothes and only getting bigger every day and the list goes on and on. We just love our gentle giant. He is so sweat and soon when those teeth pop in he'll be so much happier as well.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Saw this and just had to post it
saw on the internet that Haiti is without a government. To help out, I'm donating one Obama, one Pelosi, one Reid, one Frank, one Coakley, and two Clintons! They may keep them permanently! I'd give them a Constitution, but I can't find mine right now! ~ Status borrowed from a friend. I saw this and had to make it mine too!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Cookie Time
I sure am grateful to have a wonderful husband. It's been really rough the last couple of days , Eric is teething enough said. So yesterday after church Jason tried to take care of both boys so I could catch up on some much needed sleep. The only problem with that idea was, me. I fell asleep with noise all around me and woke up to silence well when its just me and the boys that usually means trouble so fifteen minutes after I fell asleep I woke up. So Jason then tried to make cookies for everyone. That worked, Josh helped and Eric sat and watched and I finally got some nice quiet time. I took some pictures of the fun the boys all had together.I am so grateful for the boys I have they take really good care of me. By the way I finally found the baby Tylenol so Eric is a little happier.

Saturday, January 9, 2010
We went on a hike and my over ambitious husband decided to take us on a three mile hike in the mud and snow and thought Josh could walk the whole way. Well we ended up carrying both boys because Josh got tired half way through but it was fun and we were together as a family. It was a very beautiful environment and Josh was able to see a Lama and Horses, Reno really has some beautiful places in it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Dr. Visit
I have to say Jason and I are very grateful that our boys have been healthy so far this winter season. Josh had gone through three ear infections by the time he was Eric's age and Eric has not had one. Today Eric had his six month check up and this is the results, it is looking like Eric will have to have that surgery but the hospital and surgeons have a program where once a year they donate to the families who do not qualify for Medicaid but can't afford a pricey surgery so if we can get on the list Eric's surgery will be free. As for his measurements he weighed 18lbs so a little lighter than I thought but that puts him in the 50th percentile so still very healthy. He moved up from the 70th percentile last time to the 75th on his height so he will be a tall little man someday. His head measurements crack me up it is in the 90th percentile for his age. Now the Dr. told us that he can see we feed our baby well now what dose that say for our other boy who was never even on the chart for his age and still is not? oh well that little boys 4 year check up is in February so I think I want Jason to handle that appointment I'm not sure I could handle the tears from Josh I also don't think I could hold him down while the nurse gave him his shots. I swear the things Mommy's do out of the good for their children's health. Our family has been very healthy lately and very blessed. I hope you are all finding joy through these sometimes difficult times as well.
by the way the picture of Josh and Jason the reason Josh is not wearing a shirt is I had just given him a hair cut and he wanted to sit by his daddy and I just couldn't resist taking a picture of this very precious moment.

by the way the picture of Josh and Jason the reason Josh is not wearing a shirt is I had just given him a hair cut and he wanted to sit by his daddy and I just couldn't resist taking a picture of this very precious moment.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Josh went to Primary for the first time yesterday. It has turned out to be a blessing that I'm a primary teacher because I was able to watch my child as he took a big step. He was very well behaved. He sat in his chair folding his arms and listened to the talks, prayer and scripture. Over the last almost four years I have discovered the essence of Joshua Kjar. It is just go with what ever life throws at me. That is truly how my son has done things in his life. He is a great teacher to his Mother. I admit I could not help but tear up as I watched my baby grow up before my eyes. So call me a sentimental Mommy I'm very pleased with the way my son entered the Primary.
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